
Who am I?


An Auckland-based Software Engineer by trade, my hobbies include photography, skiing, and coding (generally Python, Go and Java).

This blog is not tied to any specific subject, so you’ll find anything here that tickles my fancy – which so just happens to be photography and IT stuff most of the time!


I can be reached by the contact form of this blog. Direct requests for technical support will be ignored, please comment on the article instead.


Any opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own, and do not express the views or opinions of my employer, whoever that may be.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. John

    Hi, Alex came across your site after trying to get a bluetooth dongle that will work on karmic and hardy- are you aware of any, i’ve bought two and neither are being enumerated with a port for Linux to list it on lsusb. tried for weeks to get this thing up and running but no joy- can you help?, Regards John

    heres some of my post on the forums that may help explain more…



    1. Alex

      Hi John,
      Do other USB devices work (apart from the webcam) ? Your problem appears to be with USB rather than Bluetooth, so I’d be Googling along those lines, in particular “device descriptor read/64, error -71” (remember to omit the minus on -71). If lsusb can’t see it, there’s little chance in bluez being able to. It may also help to add the chipset the computer has to the search string. I haven’t encountered this problem myself, hope you resolve it!

  2. Chris Ong

    Hi Alex,

    Read about how you did recovered from a broken raid 5 array. I am facing this problem now and I wonder if your open to guide me thru the re-assembly process. I desperately need to recover some backup files stored on the broken array. I hope to hear from you soon.


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